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Stage 3 - Chief Executives Report on Public Submissions

Chief Executive’s Report to the Elected Members on submissions received on the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029

Submitted to Elected Members in accordance with Section 12(4) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).

The Chief Executive's Report is divided into 4 separate parts:

  1. Part I   -Submissions observations received on Volume 1 -Written Statement of the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029, submissions received relating to Rights of Way and the associated SEA Environmental Report, Appropriate Assessment Natura impact Report and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment which form part of the draft plan.
  2. Part II  -Submissions received for Ennis and Shannon Municipal Districts
  3. Part III -Submissions received for Killaloe and West Clare Municipal Districts
  4. Part IV -Submissions received for proposed Record of Protected Structures

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