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Stage 2 - Public Display of Draft Plan

Notice of the Preparation of the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029

The next step in the Development Plan making process is the Draft Public Consultation phase which includes the publication of the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 and an invitation to the public to make submissions. 

The purpose of the draft consultation stage of the Development Plan making process is for you to give your views on the Draft Plan 2023-2029 and its associated documents as well as key strategic and local issues including population and housing, economic and enterprise development, tourism and retail development, towns and villages, rural development, transport and infrastructure, built and natural heritage, landscape and green infrastructure, climate action, renewable energy and environment, social, community and cultural development, and land use zoning.

The Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 with associated Environmental Report and Natura Impact Report will be on public display on 10th December, 2021 to 28th March 2022. The Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 comprises the following draft documents and are available for viewing by clicking the links below:

The Draft Plan includes proposals to make additions, deletions and modifications to Volume 4-Record of Protected Structures and in accordance with Section 12 (3) of the Planning Act, the Planning Authority shall serve on each person who is the owner or occupier of the proposed protected structure or the protected structure, as the case may be, a notice of the proposed addition, deletion or modification including the particulars.

Submissions on the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 will be accepted from members of the public and prescribed stakeholders up until 4.00pm on Monday 28th March 2022.

Have your Say on the Draft Plan

Page last reviewed: 09/12/21

Content managed by: Planning Department

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